Best Inversion Tables 2025 – Best For Inversion therapy

Hayden Saunders

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Inversion therapy is one of the best ways to get rid of lower back pain, neck pain and problems like sciatica. You can do it without using any fitness equipment. However, if you’re looking for high-effectiveness and want to worry less about spinal injuries or cardiovascular disorders, then it’s recommended to get a good quality Inversion table.

You could buy any random inversion table and get started with the inversion therapy sessions, but there’s a reason why you need the equipment which is high quality. It’s because not only will it make your workout easy and be suitable for various issues or people of various ages, but having a reliable one shall also save you from spinal injuries and cardiovascular issues.

Project Fit has been offering business solutions and equipment recommendations to a lot of gym owners for more than 3 years now. We’ve offered consultancy to a lot of known fitness centers and GYMs in the UK. That’s why we thought of creating this listicle where we’ll share the list of best-rated inversion tables.

Best Inversion Tables 2025 – The Winners!

Here are our quick recommendations for the inversion tables for beginners and experts. These results are curated after various tests on these inversion tables by our experts and the results are determined by various factors such as price, durability, stretching angle, etc.

Your decision could end at buying the costliest inversion table out there, but if you’re looking high value for your money and don’t want to spend huge on a table which you shall get at half of the cost, then you are at the right place.

In fact, a lot of offline store owners end up fooling customers by using terms that people don’t easily understand and end up selling the costliest machine which would not even perform like the models we’ve listed.

Full Disclosure: Our article includes affiliate links, so if you make a purchase using our links we’ll earn a small commission without you paying extra! [Also, that doesn’t change the way we’ve chosen or ranked the products, so don’t worry, you are reading the most honest and unbiased reviews.]

Project Fit is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking Project Fit to Amazon properties.

What Is an Inversion Table?

This is the great choice for people who want a soft fully padded backrest and a sturdy design of the Inversion table.

Humans have well evolved from the times when our forefather, the apes would hang from trees to handling extreme tasks with ease, the humans as we know today are way behind the great apes. Long office hours, long driving hours and less exercise are causing many cases of back pain and stress issues, I’ve myself been through few of these and have since hopped over several things as a solution until I found about Inversion therapy.

Being a tech fanatic and a fitness freak, I researched over tons of material over inversion table and inversion therapy for a few weeks extending up to a few months and I was honestly surprised to find out that inversion therapy was already used as early as 400 BC where the father of medicine, Hippocrates, inverted patients using a ladder to realign their spine believing this will cure their illness. I was convinced and made a decision to get myself an inversion table and I’ve had amazing experience since then, it’s a great way to destress and has just done a lot more to me than relieving back pain. They are quickly becoming popular, a way not efficient for us to hang on trees but surely something that shall give us a few more years to walk.

So what is an inversion table, in simple terms it’s a flat adjustable table where you lie down and slowly invert your position until you are entirely upside down, It eases your muscles and relaxes the spine allowing a good blood circulation and rick flow of oxygen to the brain. I would often practice it while doing deep breathing have had rave results almost immediately.

How Do Inversion Tables Work for Your Body?

Here is how it actually works for your body, the vertebra or several bones of your entire spine are separated by disks which help in movement and shock absorption. High-stress exercise, vigorous bumpy travels, and repeated strain causes compression of those disks which leads to the protruding of a semi-fluid material that puts pressure on the nerves, a condition often popular as slipped disks.

So when you practice inversion therapy on an inversion table, the body hangs upside down, it relaxes the vertebra reducing any pressure on disks that causes the nerve to exit the spine through these spaces, Increase in these spaces, in turn, reduce any compression on the nerve helping to relieve the back pain.

If the body is oscillated or moved up and down on an inversion table, it also causes pumping action which helps the fluids around the spinal discs to expel the waste out and help in spreading the fluid around the discs erasing away any back pain.

In 2007, a study conducted by the Newcastle University in the United Kingdom held over an experimental group of sciatica sufferers proved that inversion table could reduce the need for surgery by 78%.

Here is what it simply does:

  • It decompresses your spine and elongates it thus also improving your posture.
  • It stretches your body from head to toe.
  • It promotes spinal alignment, stretches and elongates the spine, relieves the pain and takes away any pressure on disk.

Benefits of an Inversion Table

Circulatory System

Using inversion table on a regular basis improves the functioning of the cardiovascular muscles that boosts the circulation and maintains the healthy functioning of the heart. Varicose pain can also be alleviated from daily use of inversion table.

Respiratory System

A lesser known advantage/ benefit of using the inversion table is the improvement of the respiratory system through controlled breathing. Using the inversion table regularly can improve the lung function through continuous relaxed and strenuous breathing that keep the bronchioles in the lungs well-exercised through contraction and relaxation. Inversion tables also clear your sinuses through easy breathing.

Physical Fitness

Want a fit and healthy body? Look no further than the best inversion table that keeps you in perfect shape, physically fit, gives you a well-conditioned back and other health benefits. For all these benefits, the Teeter ep-960 ltd inversion table is an absolute superstar and also the best inverted exercise table available in the market. The inversion table also helps in maintaining the perfect body posture, joint health and flexibility. Inversion tables are recommended by many doctors worldwide for realigning the spine and speeding up the recovery after strenuous workouts. Added benefits for physical health includes gaining/regaining of height, increasing the strength of ligaments, increasing energy, decreasing fatigue and improving sleep quality.

Digestion and Immune System

When staying upside-down position on the inverted table for long enough, the intestinal muscles and stomach muscles are in continuous contraction and relaxation that keep your digestive system in good shape, aiding in the overall process of digestion. By improving the lymphatic functioning of the body, inversion table is able to improve the immune system of the human body along with revitalizing the internal organs.

Mental Health

If you think that the benefits of using inversion table regularly is focused on just physical health, then think again. Researchers have confirmed that frequent usage of the inversion tables has ad hoc benefits for improved mental health as well. This alternate therapy keeps you alert by keeping the level of stress to the bare minimum. Other mental health issues that are dealt with the use of inversion table include controlled mood swings, controlled depression, reducing PMS symptom, boosted creative thinking and SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder).

Relieves Pain

The internet is full of queries regarding the best way to cure sciatica and the resolute answer to that is the inversion table can cure chronic sciatica when used under an expert’s guidance. Apart from this the inversion table can be used to cure scoliosis pain, osteoarthritic pain, sciatic nerve pain, herniated disc pain, cervical-spinal stenosis, fibromyalgia pain and reduces headaches. Investing in an inversion table will be cost-effective as it reduces the chance of you requiring a surgery for all the mentioned pains and back pain. In addition to that, the inversion table has been proved to be potent in dealing with neck pain as well.

Considerations for Choosing the Best Inversion Table

Construction and Capacity

The construction plays a very important role when choosing an inversion table as the apparatus is everything, a poor build quality can indulge in some serious injuries while inverting, a solid build of steel is always preferred padded with good quality foam for added safety, one should look for industry standards while choosing in terms of design and construction. Also to be kept in mind is the weight capacity which is 300 lbs for most inversion tables.

Range of Motion and Safety Features

Initially, most users invert till 45 degrees while one can easily go till 90 degrees for better results. More your angle of inversion, the better results you yield. For the first time user should always have someone around in case you’re stuck, it’s important to look at the safety features of the table such as padded foam and good quality straps.

Additional Features

While filtering out results we made sure to select products that delight users when they choose to buy their inversion table. From soft padded foams to nylon straps and heat insulated structures, the additional features incorporate more than just providing you inversion. Anti-slippery pads to lumbar supports, it’s all there. We also have a few providing adjustable massaging quality.


This can be the most important deciding factor for a lot of users, we’ve made sure to keep a balance of results such that you’ll find all of them perform the same function with the price increasing only when some added benefit is being provided by the company.

Wrap Up

With time, we won’t become as powerful as the apes but we are experiencing pressure physically and mentally that definitely takes a toll on our health, things like inversion tables are surely going to be a big boon to distress and their popularity is set to only increase with time.

With so many options in the market (check Dealsan UK website), the above choices are the best in terms of the important factors like Value for money, Comfort, and safety. I’m sure you’ll have a great time inverting and wish for your great health. We hope this review will help you to choose the best inversion table to match your requirements.

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Last Update 01 June, 2024